Языковой центр Littera

01 February
14.00-16.00 - debate
The motion is decided by participants beforehand (track the motion at https://vk.com/english_psu).
Moderator: Devante
08 February
14.00-16.00 – music club: Suzanne Vega Tom’s Diner
Show your intuition, good humour, your English, and ability to be resourceful and a real team-player in doing awesome creative tasks! Also: food idioms, the coolest quiz show “English Prep(osition)S”.
Moderator: Maria Filippova
15 February
14.00-16.00 –movie club: Eat, Pray, Love
Elizabeth Gilbert had everything a modern woman is supposed to dream of having, yet she found herself lost and searching for what she really wanted in life. She steps out of her comfort zone, risking everything to change her life…
Director: Ruan Murphy Starring: Julia Roberts, Richard Jenkins
Moderator: Robert Bates
29 February
14.00-16.00 - debate
The motion is decided by participants beforehand (track the motion at https://vk.com/english_psu).
Moderator: Devante
14 March
14.00-16.00 – Bon Jovi Livin’ On A Prayer
On a wing and a prayer, we have a prayer of improving our English pronunciation and our English speaking skills. Bon Jovi is the answer to our prayers, and our thoughts and prayers are with those who will sharpen their creative skills in “Rap vs Pop Battle”. By the way, how many idioms are there in the four lines above (they are also in the song)?
Moderator: Maria Filippova
28 March
14.00-16.00 - debate
The motion is decided by participants beforehand (track the motion at https://vk.com/english_psu).
Moderator: Devante
04 April
14.00-16.00 - movie club: Ratatouille
The title refers to the French dish Ratatouille, which is served at the end of the film and also references the species of the main character, a rat. The plot follows a rat named Remy, who dreams of becoming a chef and tries to achieve his goal by forming an alliance with a Parisian restaurant's garbage boy Alfredo Linguini. Director: Brad Bird
Moderator: Robert Bates
11 April
14.00-16.00 – music club: All about Love
Spring time – love is in the air! Mesmerizing and awesome love songs of all times. Groove and pop and rock with us! You just can’t leave it out!
Moderator: Maria Filippova
Do you love English as much as we do? Do you love having fun? Come and join our coolest team of students, see their sketches and you’ll see that English is a (yummy) piece of cake for them and our thoughts and prayers are now all about spring and love.
Don’t forget to bring along good humour and spring mood.
Moderator: Robert Bates
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Центр дополнительного образования по иностранным языкам «Littera»
г.Пермь, ул. Генкеля, 5а, ПГНИУ,
Корпус №3, каб. 103