Языковой центр Littera

Программа клуба на русском языке
02 February
14.00-16.00 - debate
The motion is decided by participants beforehand (track the motion at https://vk.com/english_psu). Moderator: Devante
09 February
14.00-16.00 – movie club: Babe The Pig
A young pig fights convention to become a sheep dog - or, rather, sheep pig - in this charming Australian family film, which became an unexpected international success due to superior special effects and an intelligent script. Director: Chris Noonan. Moderator: Robert Bates
16 February
14.00-16.00 – music club: Sarah Mc Lachlan, The Brady Bunch, Weezer
A most charming story of Charlotte’s Web together with the awesome music by Sarah McLachlan, The Brady Bunch и Weezer will let you see the world through the eyes of Wilbur, the piglet, and compare your ideas of what true friendship is, and what wonders it can do. Moderator: Maria Filippova
02 March
14.00-16.00 - debate
The motion is decided by participants beforehand (track the motion at https://vk.com/english_psu). Moderator: Devante
16 March
14.00-16.00 – music club
Unexpected twists in Charlotte and Wilbur’s story, their inner world and surroundings, to the fascinating accompaniment of magnificent songs and compositions. Moderator: Maria Filippova
30 March
14.00-16.00 - movie club: Penelope
A modern romantic tale about a young aristocratic heiress born under a curse that can only be broken when she finds true love with "one who will accept her as one of their own."
Director: Mark Polansky Stars: Christina Ricci, James McAvoy Moderator: Robert Bates
06 April
14.00-16.00 - debate
The motion is decided by participants beforehand (track the motion at https://vk.com/english_psu). Moderator: Devante
13 April
14.00-16.00 – music club: Joe Hisaishi
Meet the real spy - super swine Porco Rosso – one of Goro Miyazaki’s classical characters, and try your hand in writing your own hit on unearthly music by great Joe Hisaishi. Moderator: Maria Filippova
20 April
14.00-16.00 - debate
The motion is decided by participants beforehand (track the motion at https://vk.com/englis_psu). Moderator: DevanteDo you love English as much as we do? Do you love fun and pigs?
Then this party is right for you: songs, dances, students’ sketches, flying pigs and a lot of pearls to cast. It’s definitely not a pig in a poke but lots of joy and laughter and spring mood and… swine. :)
Don’t give it a miss! Good humour and high spirits are welcome! Moderator: Robert Bates
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Центр дополнительного образования по иностранным языкам «Littera»
г.Пермь, ул. Генкеля, 5а, ПГНИУ,
Корпус №3, каб. 103