Языковой центр Littera

07 October
16.00-17.30 – debate (for B2 – C1 students)
Motion: Borrow money whenever you need it.
Moderator: Nana Ifeany
14 October
14.00-16.00 - movie club: Margin Call
Follows the key people at an investment bank, over a 24-hour period, during the early stages of the 2008 financial crisis.
Director: J.C. Chandor Stars: Zachary Quinto, Stanley Tucci, Kevin Spacey
Moderator: Robert Bates
21 October
16.00-17.30 – debate (for Starter – A2 students)
Motion: Money can’t make you happy.
Moderator: Nana Ifeany28 October
14.00-16.00 - music club: The Beatles (That’s What I Want) vs Bruno Mars (Billionaire)
Who doesn’t want to be a billionaire and buy all of the things one never had, and be on the cover of Forbes magazine? OR The best things in life are free? Come, sing and find out!14.00-16.00 – movie club: Millions
Ethics, being human and the soul come to the fore when a 7-year old finds a bag of Pounds just days before the currency is switched to Euros and learns what we are really made of.
Director: Danny Boyle Stars: Alex Etel, James Nesbitt
Moderator: Robert Bates
18 November
16.00-17.30 – debate (for B2 – C1 students)
Motion: Children should become independent of parental support
Moderator: Nana Ifeanyi
25 November
14.00-16.00 – - music club: Queen (Money Can’t Buy Happiness) vs Pink Floyd (Money).
Money can't buy happiness. Or can it? should we grab that cash with both hands or money is the root of all evil? Come, sing and find out!
02 December
16.00 – 17.30 – debate (for Starter – A2 students)
Motion: The rich will always be rich and the poor will always be poor.
Moderator: Nana Ifeany
09 December
14.00-16.00 - music club: Abba (Money Money Money) vs Barenacked Ladies (If I had a million dollars)
What things would you do if you had a little money? And if you had a million dollars? Come, sing and find out!
23 December
14.00 – 16.00 – Golden Rush in Littera
Music, dances, students’ sketches. Mine fun, thrill and drive!
Don’t give it a miss! Good humour and high spirits are welcome!
Moderator: Robert Bates
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Центр дополнительного образования по иностранным языкам «Littera»
г.Пермь, ул. Генкеля, 5а, ПГНИУ,
Корпус №3, каб. 103